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Enough is ENOUGH
Campaign Message
Let’s end child hunger today
News and Stories

Change their life. And their whole community.

A girl with a flight toy

Nomin dreams of becoming an aeronautical engineer

How sponsorship opens up a world of possibilities

Sponsored girl from the Philippines wearing a pink facemask.

Patty dreams of becoming a doctor

How sponsorship opens up a world of possibilities

Somali farmers suffering the results of environmental factors not of their making.

Farmers suffer the results of environmental factors not of their making

Reflecting on my recent visit to our Somalia programmes

Said sitting in school in Somalia

Said learned to read in a year

Unlocking Literacy in Puntland, Somalia

Team at COP 26

“Our future is in our hands”

Reflecting on my time at COP26

Girl plucking vegetables from plants

Children and young people’s participation in climate action

How to enable their right to participate? 
A World Vision Ireland policy brief

Ebola Vaccine community conversation in DRC

Think discovering a vaccine is the hardest part? Think again.

Reflecting on my experience on the EBODAC programme

A visit to the Fragile Context Programming Approach project.

What to do when it all turns to mud?

Reflecting on my visit to the HPP programme in South Sudan

A group of children cheering

Ham elected as speaker in his municipal children's parliament

Amplifying children’s voices in Uganda