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Enough is ENOUGH
Campaign Message
Let’s end child hunger today

When you sponsor a girl, you open the doors to a world of possibility – not just for the girl you sponsor, but for their entire community.

Global experts agree that one of the biggest keys to ending extreme poverty is to invest in the development of girls. Without girls, breaking the cycle of generational poverty isn't possible. Here are just four reasons why:

1. Sponsored girls stay in school longer

Millions of girls never have the chance to set foot in a classroom. Right now, almost one in four girls aged 15-19 around the world is neither in school nor employed, compared to only one in 10 boys. Sponsoring a girl helps change those statistics.

Education is at the heart of World Vision’s sponsorship model, which works to break down barriers that prevent girls from entering the classroom. The benefits of educating a girl go well beyond the classroom: for every year of primary school education that a girl receives, she can increase her future income by as much as 20%. And if she continues on to high school, the benefits are even greater, with her potential wage increasing by up to 25% each year.

Millions of girls never have the chance to set foot in a classroom. Right now, almost one in four girls aged 15-19 around the world is neither in school nor employed, compared to only one in 10 boys. Sponsoring a girl helps change those statistics.

16 years old sponsored child Nomin from Mongolia holding Model Aircraft.
Since becoming sponsored, 16-year-old Nomin’s world has opened up to new opportunities. She now dreams of becoming an aerobatics athlete and is well on her way to getting there.

2. Sponsored girls break the cycle of poverty

Decades of research show the burden of poverty weighs heavier on women and girls. It’s usually girls who have to walk long distances to fetch water instead of going to school.

It’s girls who are expected to get married young to give her family one less mouth to feed. And it’s girls who are more likely to be pulled from the classroom to care for the family.

All of these norms combine to trap girls in a perpetual cycle of gender inequality and oppressive poverty that hamstrings the potential of whole families, communities and nations, as well as the girls themselves. Sponsorship tackles that.

Sheyla with her friends
At just 12, Sheyla is leading transformation that’s happening thanks to sponsorship in her community in Guatemala.

3. Sponsored girls are more confident

Sponsorship offers one of the most powerful gifts of all: hope. Knowing there is someone out there not only helping meet their practical needs but cheering them on as they tackle their biggest challenges is a powerful thing. Sponsors are a huge source of encouragement to children — and tangible proof that they matter.

Over and over again, sponsored children tell us that the personal connection they have with their sponsor builds their resilience and confidence to withstand any crisis.

In fact, our surveys indicate that sponsored children who exchanged letters with their sponsors experienced increased hope, happiness, and confidence – all cornerstones to being able to transform their futures.

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16 years old sponsored child Nomin from Mongolia holding Model Aircraft.

From sponsored girl to aerobatics champion 

Nomin, 16, from Mongolia is a silver medalist in World Championship Control Line Model Aircraft.

Leon from Malawi playing

Overcoming challenges through sponsorship

Sponsorship is a lifeline for Leon's family and the whole community in difficult times.

12-year-old Sheyla

Changing the pathway for girls in Guatemala

Girls like Sheyla are leading the change and the transformation is astonishing.

How we use funds

How do we use each euro donated?

that benefit children, families, and communities in need

Administration Expenses

to enable us to carry out our work


that supports our valuable work around the world