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Enough is ENOUGH
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Fighting Words is working with World Vision Ireland to support creative writing activities with children in Somalia, South Sudan, Syria, and the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).

This long-term partnership--funded by Irish Aid--is one part of a broader five-year programme that World Vision is leading to empower and protect children and women. These creative education opportunities can strengthen children's resiliency, build their confidence, and contribute to the bigger objective of protecting children from violence.

In collaboration with local staff at World Vision Ireland, together with the communities and children themselves.

As a result, three stories from students in Somalia were included in the Irish Times' Fighting Words supplement for 2024 (see pages 38-40). In previous years, stories from Syria, Jordan, and Somalia have been included.

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Four kids standing in a field

Food and Climate Action

Irish Government Must Implement COP28 Declaration

World Vision staff member holding hands of children in South Sudan

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Boy smiles at the camera, surrounded by his schoolmates eating their free school meal in Cambodia

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